Air Asia’s BlogX Conference (powered by was organized at New Delhi on 11 February 2017 at hotel Shangri La, Ashoka Road, New Delhi.
(Audience – House Full)
The BlogX was inaugurated by lighting of lamps by ICANN India – Head Mr Samiran Gupta, followed by opening remarks by him as to the Internet and ICANN. ICANN is a voluntary organization that regulates and lays down policies for the Internet.
(Mr Samiran Gupta)
This was followed by Air Asia Head Ms Kiran Jain from Air Asia to introduce to their services and also announcement of upcoming Travel Hackathon, later in the day. Also (private bloggers network) was launched at the event. This was followed by a legal panel – Q&As as to blogging. The guest speakers included Mr Rodney Ryder and Mr Ankur Raheja. (photo below courtesy blogger Mr Chandu Chandra Sekhar)
(IP Lawyers, New Delhi)
Travel Hackathon was sponsored by Air Asia, where group of four winners walked away with return tickets from Air Asia. Four teams participated, who had to come up with the ideas /innovations that Air Asia can implement.
(Travel Hackathon Paticipants, along with Air Asia’s Ms Kiran and speaker Mr Ajay Jain)
Closing remarks from the organizer Mr Manmeet Pal Singh, accompanied by Mr Manoj Dandha of and the hosts for the day – Mr Abhishek and Ms. Simran.
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